The art of the unseen
I’ve been co-writing an application with art group Napolean III based in Yorkshire. The opportunity if we’re successful will deliver a piece of work in Yorkshire Sculpture Park and to say I’m excited by the prospect is a definite understatement. For my part, I will be creating some Augmented Reality art which will sit in the ‘middle’ of our proposed piece. As I write about the work it’s hard not to describe it in more esoterical terms, try as I might to put a more pragmatic slant on it, this type of work currently defies a more conventional labelling and framework. Augmented Reality itself is a term which needs some playful expansion. Technically it refers to adding digital content to the real world which can only be viewed by an app on a tablet, smartphone or by a headset such as Microsoft's Hololens . But let’s look at that term again… Augmented Reality, we could be here all week just riffing on what is reality, but now we have another way of making this already bizarre state ...